September Astrology and important dates and transits with Eugenia

September Astrology and important dates and transits with Eugenia

September is the month of the beginning of the fall corridor of eclipses, when karma on all levels will be actively involved and when everyone will get answers to their questions, be responsible for what they have done in their lives. Uranus will turn back, Pluto will change sign, the higher planets will begin to build a fateful combination and the world will continue to rapidly destroy the established orders, laws and systems.
📍 1.09 is the beginning of Uranus' retro period, which will last through 01/30/25. Uranus continues to move through the sign of Taurus, which means the world will once again be immersed in shaking up financial systems, personal wallets and resources, interpersonal relationships, and reassessing one's talents. Someone will think about accumulating finances and creating for themselves a financial safety cushion for the future, and someone will realize that the world of consumerism has discredited itself and urgently needs renewal and that money is not the main thing, and the main thing is something else. This is a great time for self-discovery and rethinking of current events. Those who look at the world superficially may live this period restlessly.
📍 2.09 - Pluto will return to Capricorn to move into Aquarius definitively on 11/19/24! We will have to go through momentous repeats of events that took place from mid-March 2022 to today. Pluto in Capricorn will set the stage for reforming systems, leaving behind those that are beyond repair, creating new ones, and changing leadership in many blocs, nations, and companies. All that is old and outmoded must go into oblivion. The pressure on those who are rigidly embedded in the systems will be very strong. Many will have to make fateful choices about how to realize themselves further. Themes of responsibility, honor, duty, career, creation, politics, economics, management will be actively shaking in the world.
📍 3.09 - a tense new moon in Virgo will begin, which will open the door to the fall corridor of eclipses. Social conflicts, people's dissatisfaction with the created situation, will rock all state structures. Relationships between people can come to a standstill, work topics will begin to bog down, many people will think about how they live, what and whom they serve, what knowledge and tools they possess, what is the meaning of their earthly existence and service. Clients, opponents, enemies will remind about themselves, may present a bill, may demand satisfaction. All structures of management and control will be in opposition to those who have no leverage.
📍9.09 - Mercury will move into Virgo and remain there until September 26, 2024. Mercury's transit through Virgo makes people more responsible, they want to know more, to communicate, to move around, to be more inquisitive and to get practical benefits from actions and information. This is a great period for studying, socializing, learning new tools, participating in conferences, webinars. If you need expert help, take it. Topics of health, daily regimen, nutrition, pets, discovering abilities, will be very relevant.
📍From 15.09 to 5.10.24, the three higher planets - Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will be in harmonious relationship with each other.
Generational planets will pacify the tension in the world with their energies, direct people to rethink their ideas and actions, stimulate ingenuity and enterprise, the desire to think in terms of universal values and interests. This period is favorable for creative self-expression, radical changes in life plans and goals, the development of intuition, subtlety of perception of the world. The main requirement of this period is to be honest with yourself and with others.
📍18.09 - Lunar eclipse in the sign of Pisces - the beginning of the fall corridor of eclipses. It will occur at 26°. The eclipse will be very emotional. People with unstable psyche should be attentive to themselves. The eclipse will be a marker of how stable a person is in his life, how much he trusts himself and space, how stable his psyche is, how quickly he is able to find his inner balance. If a person is in resentments, delusions, illusions - the eclipse will show them even more strongly, so that a person will realize where he is wrong and what he needs to work on. All secret meanings, enemies, intrigues can come to the surface and expose what was hidden.
📍22.09 - The Sun will move into the sign Libra and will remain there until 10/23/24. The energies of the field, thanks to this transit, will become softer. People will begin to pay more attention to the problems and interests of others, to provide help, various services. Partnerships in all aspects will require adjustment. Perhaps someone, after a critical analysis of situations, will decide to take the relationship to a new level, and someone will want to leave it in the past.
📍23.09 - Venus will move into Scorpio and remain there until 10/17/24. Venus in this sign is weak, but very disingenuous and manipulative. She knows what to say to whom, how to look at whom to make the right impression and achieve her goals. She likes to use others' money, to live off others, to control others. If this happens in an environmentally friendly way in a business partnership, then there is no price to pay for such a Venus. But, if Scorpio Venus is planning to trick someone, trap them, let their guard down, and throw them away, she will do it perfectly.
📍 From 26.09 to 3.10.24 Retro Saturn will make a harmonious aspect to Mars. These days you can successfully combine diligence with active actions, responsibility and practicality with leadership qualities, concentration with initiative. These are excellent days for serious successes and achievements in sports, business, military, profession, politics, economics, construction, science. Things that were started earlier will go especially well and will give important results. They will complete a strong foundation for further growth and long-term development.
You can count on the help of authorities, leaders and influential persons.
📍 26.09 - Mercury will move into Libra and remain there until 10/13/24. Libra Mercury can compose poetry, write music, draw beautifully, play on stage, perform in public, create new images with his hands, sew, embroider, make beautiful things, organize holidays and creative events, teach and treat, establish partnerships and negotiate new projects. He is engaged only in what he likes and quickly cools down to what ceases to be interesting to him. For those who are looking for a personal relationship
- this is a great time to talk and discuss issues that have been accumulating. Mercury will help you to be positive and attentive to your partner's requests and interests.
📍 At the same time, the Sun and Mercury will conjunct the node of the past in Libra. At the end of the eclipse corridor, important decisions may be made that will change the lives of individuals and the world agenda, and build new connections at all levels. You will have to reconsider everything that has happened in recent years, make compromises, remove the crown from your head and give up your sense of self-importance in favor of others. Some will have to face losses, accusations, depressions, self-abuse, weakening of authority, disappointments, but, it will be an occasion to reconsider their positions and transform themselves into a new quality.
I will write about these and other events of September in more detail!
Have a successful September! Xoxo Eugenia 😘 if you guys have any questions, please come see me
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